Sunday, November 9, 2008

HaNgInG wItH mY pAls!!

Well, From friday night, i went over to my friend Madie Marsh's house, and slept over with Alisha, Amanda, Madie, and Emily. We had a ton of fun! Even though we got freaked out by this car, and these three guys. Freaky!! Saturday We went over to my bestest buddy nicks house and had a swimming party! then we went over to Adam's house and hung out in the cold!!! it was a way fun weekedn though!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My WeEkEnD!

Well its been a fun weekend, with Halloween n' all. Thursday i had clayton which was fun and hard work. On Friday I didn't have school cuz it was the end of the term. So i hung around and then Amanda came over. We hung out and went to my school party which was a blast! Amanda, Makayla, Cody, Cole, and I went out to Cody's house cuz we didnt want to watch a movie and we saw his cute little doggie. Ha Ha. We went back to the party and had fun! Amanda came home and slept over it was fun we stayed up till 12 just to make sure Christmas music came on ,and it did. Then some how amanda gave me a bloody nose. ahah. it was great. Saturday we hung around and Alisha, Amanda and I went to the mall and saw Rilley and Amy there and hung out with them. Then i wen to the Save a Child Foundation program which was great. That was my Weekend. I hope you had a good one too!!